Dying Star


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It’s not good music that breaks the yoke; it is the anointing of Jesus that breaks the yoke and sets us free. All through the Bible God used people who didn’t have a clue, who didn’t have all the answers and who didn’t really know anything. They had no strategy – or their only strategy appeared to be to look to heaven and say, ‘my eyes are on You, great victorious warrior, You are my shinning star’. In the end, it’s our own choice whether to live out our own strategies thereby living so that others see only ‘our’ abilities; but then we’ll end up just like the enemy – just another “dying star”.

God is building an army of sons and daughters whose single-minded passion is for His purposes alone. Stars rise and fall but sons don’t. God has raised up a generation of sons and daughters, not a generation of superstars. But as long as we continue trying to be someone or something we will never be anything of worth to God. Jesus was worth everything to God. Jesus was the ultimate warrior, the ultimate pastor, the ultimate intercessor, the ultimate worshipper, and the ultimate teacher; and not because Jesus was the ultimate superstar, but because Jesus was the ultimate son.

The songs on this cd call us from stardom into sonship. Recording Days at Dark Horse Studio, August, 2002 After our recording sessions in Nashville in August, one of our band members, William Clark, wrote the following about the experience: The old man who made his living by carving beautiful and ornate designs into huge wooden doors was asked, “How do you know when it’s finished?” “When they come to take it away”, he responded. I fear you have come to take away “The Days at Darkhorse”. Though if you were to leave it with me, I might never finish, because how do you fully describe an experience like that ? I could go on carving and touching and pondering forever, and never render a fitting description.

Nevertheless… here it is. “The Days at Darkhorse” The days at Darkhorse are ones that I am sure we will never forget. Even though what you are about to hear is a collaboration of immense proportions, the experience of it was such a light yoke and an easy burden. From the peaceful atmosphere so carefully cultivated by the studio owner, to the expertise of the engineers, to the wisdom of the producer, to the prayers of hundreds of intercessors, to the heart of the musicians and singers, to the precious words from the Father… all of this was so powerfully yet delicately orchestrated by the Holy Spirit into the worship experience captured on this recording. Just as soon as we had gotten settled in, the Holy Spirit began to move so strongly through the place, and the intimacy we felt with Jesus moved us so deeply that all we could do was abandon ourselves and respond to Him in worship. Eighteen hours later, we had captured eighteen songs. (We had reserved the studio for four days, but wound up only using two.)

There were times when we were literally unable to play or sing, having been overcome with emotion. There were times when friends who had stopped by to pray, found themselves in an intimate embrace with the Father, weeping and worshiping Him along with us. And there were times when we sat in rapt wonder and just listened as the Lord of all creation responded through the thunder and the rain. The days at Darkhorse were such a precious and overwhelming experience of Him. But it was just a small taste of what He longs for us all to know. Our deepest prayer is that by worshiping Him along with us, you truly come to know Him and how passionately He loves you and cares for you. God bless you, from all of us at Key of David.

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